Our Styled Adventure: Styled Shoots, Plane Rides & Ireland

There's a special buzz on the day of styled shoots. The energy is strong, the excitement is palpable, and being that we were in another country, we were on fire!

On our stroll to brunch.

We spent the morning of our shoot meeting up with our newest Icelandic Viking, Gudrun, for brunch in the harbor. (I lovvveeee boats! Did I mention that yet?) It was probably our favorite restaurant so far. Gudrun was so helpful. She made phone calls for us, helped us map things out and made our Iceland trip totally possible and wildly fun!

Our Icelandic pal, Gudrun.

After brunch, we had some shopping time to buy all of our goodies and eat a true Icelandic hot dog, then it was time for shoot prep. We met our model, Jórunn, in person for the first time when she came over for model prep. Woo hoo!

A little over two hours later, we were ready to shoot, and a car ride and a few missed turns later, we arrived at the photo shoot location. Oh. Em. Gee. Stunning! I think it's safe to say we might find normal styled shoots boring from here on out. 😘

It was probably not the ideal weather situation — freezing and a drizzly rain — but we are shooting, people ... rain or shine. That's how it rolls. Just wait till you see the sneak peak of the location below! Jórunn’s fiancé, Böddi, and kids made an appearance at our location and totally tried to steal the show. 😉

Even though we can’t reveal the styled shoot photos just yet, here's our sneak peak! Don't fall over ... I know I did ... OHHHH EM GEEE! STUNNING.

I'll wait to keep going until you wipe away the drool. Don't worry, we feel the same!

After we finished up shooting, dropped off our model and went to eat dinner, we realized that Emily left her camera bag, including her passport and all of her credit cards, at the photo shoot site! Ah, crap. As we tried to speed back to get it, we kept getting lost! But, have no fear, we eventually made it back, and Emily's bag was right where she left it. Thank goodness! It was then time for our final Iceland adventure ...

WE WENT TO SEE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS BY BOAT!!!! Only my favorite thing in the whole world.

We rushed to make it on time, had a takeaway dinner on the boat and then set off in the cutest red overalls you ever saw. And, if you think Iceland is freezing, the wind off the water is 1 million times colder. Anyways, I digress ... 

We saw the northern lights from the boat! Stop the world. My life is complete. (Well, this portion anyways.) It was cloudy still, so it wasn't like the whole sky was lit up, but you could see the lights dancing thru the breaks in the clouds. Even with cloudy skies, it was amazing and soooo worth it! Sadly, all great things come to an end, and with that, our time to explore in Iceland had come to a close.

We were going to leave "bright and early" in the middle of the night for Ireland. Were being the keyword there. We made it to Ireland — thank goodness — however, we had some bumps and bruises along the way.

We might have slept 40 minutes past our alarm, had to speed all the way to the airport, then run from the rental car drop-off thru the airport, hoping to make it to the gate in time. We also may have gotten between one and three camera speeding tickets (I'll have to let you know when we get the bill), sustained a broken suitcase and ran out of time to put gas in the rental car ... but all in all, we got unforgettable memories, permanent smiles and an adventure of a lifetime. Iceland sure was amazing!

And we are sure, just from the drive so far, that Ireland is going to supersede all of our expectations! We just have to survive driving on the left side of the road from the right side of the car on the tiniest roads you ever have seen. Cliffs of Moher, we are coming for you!

With Icelandic love and Irish blood, we can't wait to share our “Irish I was sober” adventures with you!!




Our Styled Adventure: Ireland, Styled Shoot #2 & Car Excursions


Our Styled Adventure: Trekking Through Iceland